Saturday, March 13, 2010

What are the best method to generate more business for a auto body repair paint shop ?

we are a small company and just starting out.What are the best method to generate more business for a auto body repair paint shop ?
Two ideas...

Drive around a residential area and look at cars in the driveways. If you see one with damage then estimate the cost to repair it and knock on the door and let the owner know about your business and give them the estimate and a business card.

One body shop in my area that is on a slightly busy street likes to take a car that's been damaged and put it on display close to the street for a week or so then they repair the car and put it back on display for a week or so that way you can see the quality of the work they do. Usually they do it with cars that look as those they've been totalled.What are the best method to generate more business for a auto body repair paint shop ?
if you're just starting out you'll probably have to advertise. once you gotten established you need to do good work at a reasonable price. word of mouth will bring in the most customers.
Put your business card on the window of every car you see in the parking lots that have some kind of body damage.
an online film that catches people's attention like this free one.鈥?/a>
Find a direct mailer that is relatively inexpensive and goes out to a large group of people. Or find a last minute deal with a newspaper to advertise. To be successful, I've noticed that our ads don't do well unless they are 1/4 page. If you can find a good deal on a full page, that is awesome. Also, whomever you advertise with, ask them about how many people they reach.

Look professional always. Have business cards, uniforms, and get referrals from customers that you have done.

Also, if you have a website (get one if you don't), put customer testimonials on the site. People always feel more comfortable with a company that they see has done good work for other people. Maybe try to put a before/after picture of the cars that you do on the website as well.

Also...when people come to your shop, ask them how they heard about you, so that you know how effective your advertising is, and can cut out ineffective forms.
If you accept insurance claims, I would call the insurance companies in 100 mile radius and start from there..If you don't then advertise as much as you can. Car signs I think work great, do a catchy paint job on one of your own that would really catch the eye then your company name under it. Hey its free advertising, do your wifes car, or your friends for free - if they wouldn't mind riding around advertising for you. Worth a try
First you need to advertise your company to let people know that you exist. Radio, Coupons in the Newspaper, TV etc. Radio advertisement is pretty reasonabley priced as well as newspaper.

After you build your clientell base it's up to you to provide exceptional service. The automotive industry is sometimes looked down upon because people feel like it is easy to get ripped off. If you provide excellent service and build trust with your customers your best advertisement will be your current customers referring friends and family.
How about a female appraiser?
Well, I don't want to state the obvious.

Guess you've already thought about advertising? That can work, but that can be really expensive.

How about something that could be cheaper to start out with? Like the local paper.

Sometimes there are free papers, esp. in small towns, and they're biggest thing is advertising.

But everybody is drawn to read them, cause they have little facts, and games, community calendar, and it's a great way to find out what is going on and what is happening.

How about car newspapers that are free? Like trading posts? Cause' if somebody gets a nice deal on something older, or whatever, or if they're own is banged up, they might say, Hey that is what I can do! I can have it repro-ed!

Town laundry? Grocery? They all have bulletin boards, and you could possibly spin off a nice add right on the printer.

Here's a great free idea. Go to the local library and arrange for the computer tech to help you do that.

If ya know how, or know somebody that knows how, you could get a low cost or possibly free website right from Yahoo for the business. Good Luck!

There is a space bar where you can look up and resource any of the questions on this board. So try putting in Websites for businesses? Either in there or on any spacebar in Yahoo. That should tell ya alot. Also right in you're own email, there may be ads.

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