The most popular colors are silver, white, black and red, in that order. I'd use whichever is best with your interior.
Don't do body mods on this car for resale. You will never get your money back. If you want to make it look custom, use a conservative graphic (or you could use the big chicken the Trans Am came with), or two-tone the paint.
The most important thing you can do for resale is to fix all the little things. As a buyer, I assume that anything wrong with the car will cost me 3 times as much as your estimate. For example; If your car needs the freon topped off, I'm going to pay $500-$1,000 less for your car because I have to allow for a new compressor. If the headliner is an easy repair, do it because I'm going to deduct $200 if I have to get it done myself. If it needs seat covers or interior repairs, take care of it. I'm going to deduct another $500. All this assumes I'm looking for a project car. In most cases, people don't want to have to do anything.
If you want to spend money on anything, you can get a decent stereo for $500-$600 or a lot less if you have access to salvage parts. Just replace that old cassette.
Running 82 Firebirds with new paint run from $1,200-$14,000 depending on engine, transmission, mileage and accessories. Be sure yours sell for the top end of the scale.
Much info found at
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